Lake Wales Guardianship Attorney
A guardianship may be necessary when a person (the “Ward”) is no longer competent or capable to care for themselves or their finances. If an attorney-in-fact, healthcare surrogate, or successor trustee was not appointed when the potential ward was competent to do so, a legal guardianship may be the only option.
Guardians may be family members, friends, or a professional court appointed guardian. All guardians must meet the requirements of the Court and take a training class provided by the Probate Court. The ward may have more than one guardian. One guardian may be the guardian of the ward and acts to serve in the best interest of the ward’s physical and emotional needs. The other guardian may handle the ward’s finances. Annual reports are required of the guardian to account for the health and assets of the ward over the past year and to propose a plan of care for the next year.
Our Polk guardianship attorney would like to talk to you if you think that a guardianship is a potential solution for you or your loved one. Contact Jay McClendon, P.A.
What Is Guardianship?